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TaxED Center: Exam Prep

The Internal Revenue Service now requires each paid tax preparer to obtain a PTIN and pass a competency examination to earn the Registered Tax Return Preparer (RTRP) designation. The RTRP exams will focus upon completion of the 1040 tax return with all appropriate schedules, and forms; eFile rules and regs; and the ethical responsibilities of tax preparers. Only candidates with an IRS PTIN may take the RTRP Competency Exam. Click on the IRS logo above to be directed to the IRS Tax Professionals website for instructions on how to obtain your required PTIN. Supervised and non-1040 PTIN holders are exempt from both the Competency Exam and Continuing Education.

Examination Provider: Prometric: EA                    Phone: 1-855-IRS-EXAM (477-3926)

Download the following documents from the IRS RTRP Website by Clicking Here

  • Licensing Candidate Handbook: Details your Registration Procedures

  • Test Specifications: Specific Topics on your RTRP Examination

GlobalED is preparing candidates NOW for the 2011 tax year RTRP Competency Examination that starts April 16, 2012 at Prometric sites throughout the country. The 2011 RTRP Exam expires on March 31, 2013. Every April 1-15 is a standard "blackout" period where no Prometric Exams are offered so updates to the following year's exam may be made.

Competency Exam candidates will have "online" access during their exam to the following reference materials in electronic format: Publication 17, Form 1040, and 1040 Instructions. An online and desktop calculator along with a pad and pencil will be provided to all candidates at their exam site. Electronic reference materials will be provided as exhibits for candidates to use while taking the computer-based test making this a quasi open book exam. Due to the time limit of the test, we recommend you use these reference materials judiciously. If you run out of time before completing the exam ... You Fail! You are not allowed to bring your own reference materials to the test center. GlobalED offers guidelines in our eLearning course on the most efficient use of these electronic resources. Passing one Exam Sim will earn you 10 CE credits in the Tax Law category.

Click Here to Open and Print Course Policies

Click Here for Straight CE Courses for EA, RTRP, PTIN and ERPA. The Courses listed below are Exam Prep.

Enroll in the 10 Credit Online Exam Prep for $179 or the Classroom Exam Review for $279 and we'll automatically give you Ethics & Tax Update CE courses FREE!

PLEASE NOTE: The Free Ethics and Tax Updates offer does not apply to the non-credit $99 Practice Exams Only course. You create your own Student ID and PW at checkout.


RTRP Online Exam Prep:              10 CE Credits
eLearning Course, eBook, Unlimited Practice Exams
RTRP Practice Exams Only:                NonCredit
Free eBook, Unlimited Practice Exams for 30 Days
RTRP Classroom Review:     10 CE Credits
10 Hr Class: Includes Practice Exams & eBook
  RTRP 2011 Exam Prep CourseBook $129

Find Your Classroom Location Below:

Enrolled Agent Preparation Coming in 2013
  Enrolled Agents Exam Preparation: Part 1 $
  Enrolled Agents Exam Preparation: Part 2 $
  Enrolled Agents Exam Preparation: Part 3 $

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GlobalED has No Membership Dues and Nothing to Join for you to receive the highest quality examination preparation and continuing education courses available. You get our low prices without haggle. If you are a principal for a large, multi-state tax preparation operation, we may be able to offer you and your employees nationwide discount prices for volume enrollments. Speak to one of our staff for more information on our volume discount program.

We also offer a FREE eMail subscription to keep you informed on critical developments concerning Courses, Tax Issues and Regulatory Changes effecting Continuing Education for IRS PTIN holders, Enrolled Agents, and Registered Tax Return Preparers. View Our Privacy Policy

For our eMail, Subscribe Here; To remove yourself, Unsubscribe Here

RTRP: Registered Tax Return Preparer and Enrolled Agent Courses

Corporate training departments and professional associations are quite capable of offering continuing education to their employees and membership. It is equally true that they are also ill-equipped to train people to pass professional regulatory examinations like the Enrolled Agent and the RTRP exams. Prometric is a professional testing organization that requires another professional testing and measurement businesses like GlobalED to prepare candidates to pass their competency examinations on their first attempt. This is what Prometric reveals about itself on their website, "The construction, design and development of testing programs that are relevant, psychometrically sound and legally defensible." A $116 exam fee puts the cost of failure quite high. Insurance companies and Investment firms who need to have their employees pass licensing exams administered by Prometric and others recognized a long time ago they need to outsource this operation to qualified organizations like GlobalED to achieve successful outcomes. Are tax preparation organizations really willing to take this risk by trying to do it themselves?

Prometric Competency Exam Report

Results are in ... and it's not a pretty picture. As of August 1, 2012 10,000 PTIN holders have passed the Prometric examination since its inception back in April, 2011. The failure rate is high and unfortunately validates what we've been saying earlier. It takes much more than a Certificate of Completion and a seminar course to prepare people for a professional licensing examination.

The GlobalED Online eLearning Management System uses State-of-the-Art Personalized eLearning TechnologiesSM  to Instruct, Measure and Enhance Learning the Topical Content in preparation for the Registered Tax Return Preparer and the three part Enrolled Agent competency exams. Exam content is taken directly from IRS publications and the Tax Code. Don't play Russian Roulette with your Tax Career and hard earned money by looking for the "cheapest" or "freebie" courses. The old saying, "You get what you pay for" rings true. Let the Exam Prep experts guide you through your exam. The pricing structure we have now is not going to last very long and we doubt the Prometric exam will be any easier next year.


XAM-NETTM  Personalized Learning TechnologySM transforms Weakness into Strengths with Practice Examinations and Self-Evaluation Tools that prepare Candidates to pass IRS competency examinations on their first attempt. Candidates have:

  • UNLIMITED Practice Exams: from a 1,000+ question bank;
  • Score Report: to evaluate competency in each topical domain;
  • Exam Review: for every question on your Practice Exam;
  • Answer Rationale: for the correct answer for every question;
  • Topic Locator: dentifies the domain and sub-topic for each question on our practice exams;
  • Free eBook: for printing selected topics for easy reading when away from computer;
  • Secure Internet Access: via self created ID and Password

You'll know where to find the subject matter in the eLearning Course, eBook and CourseBook. Our proprietary Study System uses the Score Report, Question Review, and Topic Locator for targeted reading to master the topical content of your competency exam. Our technology is designed to help candidates accelerate scores and PASS the taxation competency exam on their first attempt. Our 80% first-time pass rate for licensing exams should be looking real good by now. So what are you waiting for?

eBOOK, COURSEBOOK and IRS Publications

Our eBook is designed for online learning which may be printed for personal use unless used for resale. Our CourseBook is designed for Instructor led learning. All Topical Content in your Competency Examination is covered in ALL our materials. We gratefully acknowledge the IRS for granting GlobalED unrestricted use of their tax material, instructions, and publications in creating our eLearning tax prep courses. The IRS Code and IRS material are our exclusive sources for content.



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